Selfreez Chewing Gum Remover

K03 | £5.95

Freezes down to –80°C

Will not attack fabrics or plastics

Many uses in electronics and components assembly and testing

Also suitable for the removal of sticky deposits

If the chewing gum is still wet and plyable, then this is the best product. It is an awesome product as it won't harm the surface to which the gum is stuck. Safe on fabrics and freezes to -80 degrees to allow the product to be scraped off the surface easily. If the gum has been on the surface for a while and is dried on, check out D-Bond (T133)

1. Spray onto sticky substance
2. Scrape off with a knife when white frost hardens it
3. If substance softens before removed completely, repeat the above directions
N.B. Use spray at least 15cm from exposed skin, extended spray release may result in cold injury from the can

Specification 300ml single unit

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