React Toilet Descaler Renovator 1 litre

H181 | £2.00

Superstrength formula removes stubborn limescale buildups Ideal for hard water areas and rennovating older toilets Kills odours at source - leaves a fresh bouquet fragrance

Taken on a job where the toilets are in dire straits? Pull out the React.

It's billed as a toilet renovator and it does exactly that. It's not a daily use product (perhaps weekly or monthly) so use it sparingly and remember, it's not safe on stainless steel. It's aggressive but will do the business on neglected toilets.

Apply evenly under the toilet rim

Give up to 15 minutes contact time before brushing and finally flushing the toilet

For soil removal and descaling of large areas, REACT may be diluted with up to 4 parts water for brush application

NB. Do not use on or near enamel, chrome, stainless steel, marble, terrazzo, stone, linoleum or plastic floors etc


1ltr single unit


Not Suitable for Stainless Steel

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